Mythical Club

The Mythical Club is a club for people interested in Mythical creatures.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

December 2010 Creature Of The Month Kappa

The Kappas arms and legs are very much like frogs with the body and shell of a tortoise.their skin is usually colourful and scaly with a yellow or greenish tinge. They are normally child sized. they could be hurt but not killed.Kappas can talk to humans and have super human strength.They have a pool of water on their head and if spilled they become weak.The Kappa lives in ponds in japan.

Fun fact about Kappas,Koopa Troopa[Mario person] is based on Kappa.

November 2010 Creature Of The Month Caladrius

Caladrius is a bird with pure white feathers, they are usually the size of a seagull. Their lifespan is unknown. They are supposedly be able to cure jaundice and to see if a unwell person would live or die and its droppings could possibly heal cataracts. They live on the backs of rivers.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

October 2010 Creature of the month - Banshee

Banshees usually cry and are always dressed in white or grey. They are the size of a human but they are pretty tall. They have the ability to tell when someone is going to die. Their habitat is in Ireland.

September 2010 Creature of the month Qilin

Qilins have one single horn sticking out of their forehead. They have the shape of the body kind of like a deer but it has the hooves of a horse and a tail like an ox. They are the size of a small horse. They can tell when people are lying or telling the truth. They spit fire when they see wickedness. They live in lands where everything is equal.

August 2010 Creature of the month Unicorn

Unicorns are normally a white horse with the front legs like an antelope, the beard of a billy goat and a long spiral horn coming from its forehead. The size of a unicorn is normally very small. One of its powers is that it can run very fast and no hunter can ever catch it. It is so brave it would even try to fight elephants. Unicorns normally live in woodlands but sometimes in deserts and at the tops of mountains.

July 2010 Creature of the month Tupilak

Tupilaks are carved from bone, peat and cloth but sometimes include human hair. Their size is no more than 2.5cm. They have the ability to bring death, sickness or misfortune on whoever they like unless they take desperate measures to avoid it. They live in the Inuit land of the Antartic.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

June Creature of the month - Kelpie

The Kelpie looks like a horse with a mermaid tail and is the size of a horse. Kelpies live forever. They can shape shift, which means they can turn into what ever form they choose. They live close to rivers in Scotland.

May Creature of the Month - Cerberus

Cerberus is a fearsome 3 headed dog who can have a snake for a tail. It is large, about the size of a small horse. It is not immortal but its lifespan is not known. Cerberus guarded the gates of the underworld and stops souls from leaving the underworld as well as stopping living things from entering.

April Creature of the month - Fenrir

Fenrir is an enormous savage wolf that grows larger all the time. Fenrir cannot be killed and is fated to survive until Ragnarok, which means until the world ends. It has giant strength. Fenrir is kept bound in Asgard, home to the Norse Gods.

March Creature of the Month - Strix

The Strix is a owl like creature. It is a night creature that sucks the blood or eats the flesh of humans. They are the size of an eagle with a wingspan of up to 6 feet. Nobody knows how long they live for. It lives in waste places and ruins.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

February Creature of the month - Thunderbird

Thunderbirds are huge birds that look like eagles with multi-coloured wings and feathers. They have a down turned beak. They are big enough to carry a whale and hungry enough to eat one for dinner. Experts believe that thunderbirds are eternal, which means that they live forever. If a thunderbird flaps its wings it will make thunder. If they open and close their eyes it will make lightning. This is why they are sometimes called storm-bringers. They live in craggy mountain peaks.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

January Creature of the month - Hellhounds

Hellhounds are ferocious mythical dogs, usually black, brown or even green in colour. They sometimes have a chain around their neck. Some hellhounds have 2 heads or can even be headless but most have just one head like the picture above. They are the size of a calf but some of them are as big as bullocks. They have an unlimited life span, which means that they live forever. They have the ability to foretell death and disaster, so if you see one stay inside all day and don't touch anything. Hellhounds tend to live in dark places and sites associated with death.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009



This club will be very exciting. My friends can look forwrd too information on my favorite mythical creature of the month and pictures, a fun and easy recipie and even some magical potions! There will be much much more too!!!!!!